In this post, I want to share how we are helping people connect with each other and find breakthroughs in their work. Because even if you’ve been blessed to not suffer significant loss from COVID-19, 6ft of space between people feels like a chasm right now. We’re all longing for human connection.
Now more than ever, we need each other. We are facing unprecedented challenges in our work and we need to rethink not only how we do our work, but also how we lead our companies and how we care for our people. A Peer Advisory Group is designed to help navigate such challenges as these.
If the term is new to you, a Peer Advisory Group is a collection of 5-8 leaders from various professions who meet once a month by video chat to help each other solve problems and grow in their faith and work.
It’s tempting to think that joining a group like this is an investment that should be made when business is good and profit margins are high, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Here are 3 reasons why now is the best time to join a Peer Advisory Group.
1) You Need Different Perspectives
We naturally go to people in our company or field when we need to solve a problem. The difficulty with this is that people in our field tend to approach obstacles in the same way, and thus, have the same blind spots. Brainstorming with people in other fields can open a world of possibilities you would never find on your own. We’re all facing challenges we’ve never experienced before, and we need to see things from a variety of perspectives.
2) We Need Each Other
You were not created to walk through life alone. You need a team of people to help you weather the storms that come with work so you can persevere. Not only do you need support, but the people you lead need to know that everything will be ok. A Peer Advisory Group can give you the support you need so you can provide hope to others. Which leads to our third point.
3) People Need Hope
As Christians, Jesus is our hope. He is the Good News that people are desperate to hear right now. He promises that He is with us (Matthew 28:20), and because of this, not only do we have nothing to fear, but we can also show the people we lead that our hope is not in the work we do or the profits we make, but in the One we serve.
To view a list of benefits Peer Advisory Groups provide for its members, Click Here. If you’d like to learn how you can join a group, or have some questions you’d like answered, email me at
Weston Bryant
Founder & Coach